Sunday, April 27, 2008


You ever had a problem with names? Like a name is at the tip of your tongue but you can't just get it and end up saying something totally weird? There was this one time i was chatting with a friend of mine and i asked her "How's skullcap?". She hadn't a clue who i was talking about till i told her i was asking about her boyfriend whose name sounds somewhat like what i said.
Well the name is not important here but her reaction was.She promptly told me that he wasn't her boyfriend but her "part-time" boyfriend!! This was new to me so i asked her what she meant and she went on to say that a part-time boyfriend is someone who she is not committed to.I probed further and got some quite interesting responses from her.Digging deeper i asked some other friends who admitted that they too had part-time boyfriends. And in most cases the guy in question does not know it!!
From the responses i got i put together a little test which you can take to find out if your a "part-time" boyfriend to someone.And for girls you can read this and know whether your boyfriend is a part-timer.Here goes...

1.You always hang out at Barista or CoffeeDay or the coffee shop next door and always pay the bill.
2.You are her private chauffeur and do a damn good job of it too!
3.You don't get upset when she forgets your birthday and doesn't get you a present but hopes she spent the money on a unicorn ride or other fancy things that girls like.
4.You take "your girl" out to lunches and dinners at fancy bistros quite often and hire a crooner to sing some romantic Spanish love song.
5.You constantly tell her how beautiful she looks and draw comparisons with the stars in the night sky.
6.You spend hours talking to her over the phone listening to stories about how the office bitch looks too fat in her jeans.

Hang on....Wait a minute.This is what all boyfriends do. Then what makes one a part-timer???

Simple.You don't get any :)

So are you a part-timer ? Think about it..


Gayatri Bhadran said...

wow. this is a new breed of women. i MUST get introduced to them. URGENT!

John Doe said...

i know! it the uber-(i struggle to think of a word to fit here) kind.
Are you volatile? coz if u are then all hell wil break loose if ya meet one of them :)

Anonymous said...

hahahhahahhahaaaa.............r u a "part-time" boyfrnd????????

John Doe said...

are u my part-time galfren?

Anonymous said...


John Doe said...


Anonymous said...

that wasn't a joke:P hahahha

John Doe said...

ooh! the plot thickens!

Anonymous said...


Alister Danniells said...

Dude...this is pretty interesting but I agree...wud luv to meet a gal like this :)

John Doe said...

@ ally :) shes closer than ya think!